Fu Lab of human neuroscience

Research focus

We investigate the computational and neural bases of cognitive control in learning, memory and decision-making. A long-term goal is to understand cognitive control arises from neural processing at the cognitive, system and neural circuit level to produce flexible and generalizable goal-directed behaviors. Our experimental approaches include intracranial microelectrode recordings, electrocorticography, electroencephalography and eye tracking. We develop various computational models to describe human behaviors in cognitive tasks and neural activity, and characterize the brain-behavior relationship.


Selected Publications

The geometry of domain-general performance monitoring in the human medial frontal cortex.
Z. Fu, D. Beam, J. M. Chung, C. M. Reed, A. N. Mamelak, R. Adolphs, U. Rutishauser, Science. 376, eabm9922 (2022), doi:10.1126/science.abm9922

Neurophysiological mechanisms of performance monitoring in human and nonhuman primates.
Z. Fu, A. Sajad, S. P. Errington, J. D. Schall, U. Rutishauser. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. (2023), doi:10.1038/s41583-022-00670-w

Single-neuron correlates of error monitoring and post-error adjustments in human medial frontal cortex.
Z. Fu, D. A. J. Wu, I. Ross, J. M. Chung, A. N. Mamelak, R. Adolphs, U. Rutishauser, Neuron. 101, 165-177.e5 (2019), doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2018.11.016


Sophia Pouya joined the lab as a Research Assistant. Welcome Sophia! - Oct, 2024

We are awarded with the 2024 NARSAD Young Investigator Grant from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation. - Sep, 2024

Ze Geng joined the lab as a PhD student in Neuroscience. Welcome Ze! - Apr, 2024